Tracing the Fulfillment of Genesis 3:15: The Crushing of Satan
Dr. Robert B Brewington, Jr. is in his twenty-first year of service as Minister and Evangelist to the Eastside Church of Christ in Pontiac, Michigan. He and his wife, Karen, have been married 36 years, are the proud parents of two children, Nikomus and Anika, and doting grandparents of Arielle Robbie.
Dr. Brewington received his formal education in the ministry at the International Bible College in Florence, Alabama. He has also attended North Carolina A & T University, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Mira Costa Community College. Dr. Brewington holds an Honorary Doctoral degree from the Midwestern Christian Institute.
Dr. Brewington began his work in the ministry more than 30 years ago; he was baptized at the South English Street Church of Christ in Greensboro, North Carolina. With a mission of “Glorifying God through Saving Souls, Serving Saints, and Caring for People” he has served and ministered to several congregations throughout the brotherhood.
As an advocate of ministry both within and outside the body of Christ, Dr. Brewington believes the Lord’s church should be a powerful, relevant influence and tangible blessing to the community in which she resides. In North Carolina, he served as the State Religious Affairs Coordinator for the NAACP with Kweisi Mfume’s Voter Empowerment 2000. He is actively involved with several local and international community-enrichment-based organizations and has served with missions to Bermuda, Barbados, and Jamaica with I.A.M.M. (International American Medical Mission). He was, for several years, Chairperson of the Board for OPHS (Oakland Primary Health Services, Inc.), and is currently President of the nonprofit, Brighter Day Community Development Corporation, Inc.
Dr. Brewington is a passionate student of the Bible and his personal studies have led to the development of many powerful, biblically-based series he facilitates throughout the brotherhood. He also created the men’s ministry “In the Company of Men”, whose goal is to develop and empower men in the church.
As a man of God, Dr. Brewington looks to the word of God for his inspiration and direction; two texts guiding this stage of his spiritual journey are II Peter 1:4-10 and Psalm 1:1-3. These texts, he says, “Detail the anatomy of the things we, as followers of Christ, have access to that build faith and progress in our lives. They are the undeniable, irreplaceable, keys to our success.”