Intentionally Ministry Driven: The Difference Between Ministry and Community Service
Tradanius Beard is a native of Memphis, TN. Beard is married to the former Darlisha Tabor of 14 years. They have two daughters (Madison & Kelsey Beard) Beard obeyed the gospel at the age of 11 while visiting his grandmother for the summer in Ruleville, MS under the leadership of Bro. Billy C. Moore. The late great Nokomis Yeldell Sr. trained and developed him into a gospel preacher. He has been preaching the gospel for 21 years. Bro. Beard is currently the minister of the Northwest Church of Christ (church plant) in Southaven, MS where he has served 15 years. He holds a Bachelor of Professional Studies degree in Alcohol and Drug services from the University of Memphis and a Master of Christian Studies with an emphasis in pastoral ministry from Grand Canyon University. Beard is currently pursuing a Doctoral of Strategic Leadership degree from Liberty University. Beard’s motto for living is ” When you can’t understand the WHY’S of life trust the WHO that controls.